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Watch these short, information loaded videos where YOUR questions are answered in explicit detail. These videos go back over the last 6 years with an additional 10 years of videos from old archives which will be added as time and resources permit. Thousands of questions have been submitted and the answers will never fail to disappoint!

Even My Own Life Was and Is Still Being Impacted!

Get Access To The Highest Rated Health Self Assessment Tool Ever Developed, Assessed To Be Worth $300 Every Time You Use It (As Per An Independent 3rd Party Insurance Actuarial Analyst). This Self Assessment Tool Is Called The AHEAD - Map® (Advanced Health Evaluation and Assessment For Detoxification - Medical Assessment Program) Which You Can Access Completely For FREE, For Life!

Additional Resources

...making the CHANGE the WORLD is Waiting for...

Additional Resources

Simply Click On Any Thumbnail Below For More Information

Centers For Advanced Medicine

The Centers for Advanced Medicine, was founded by Dr. Buttar in 1996, focused on treating the "untreatable" and the "difficult to diagnose". Today, with a focus on detoxification, the North Carolina clinic has treated patients from 94 different countries and every state.

Advanced Medicine

The Advanced Medicine platform provides a large volume of health and medical information to the world, as well as gives access to the most effective health assessment tool ever developed, called the AHEAD Map®. Click to get lifetime access to the AHEAD Map®, absolutely for FREE!

Advanced Medicine Conference

Medicine has long been influenced by big pharma with the intentional goal of suppressing effective healing modalities. The annual Advanced Medicine Conference brings together the top names in Health, Medicine and Science who present this truth and show the real science.

Autism Defined

Autism Defined presents the real, unbiased facts regarding Autism, allowing viewers an opportunity to discover the truth. Follow Dr Buttar’s son Abie’s journey from a developmental delay to full recovery and beyond. A must see for any parent with an Autistic child!

Advanced Cancer Care

Cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death in the world. Having treated patients from 94 countries with cancer, Dr Buttar’s 5 Step philosophy has been the cornerstone of that clinical success. Learn more by getting a 211 page ebook, and over 45 videos specifically on cancer.

TAP Into Reality

TAP™ is an acronym for Transforming Abundance Potential into Reality Mindset Program. TAP™ will help you achieve a mindset essential not just to survive, but to Thrive, providing you tools to dramatically change your life. Get the first 17 TAP™ into Reality Scrolls for FREE!

Ask Dr Buttar

Ask Dr Buttar is where you can submit your clinical questions. From this list of questions, Dr Buttar chooses a few to answer during his weekly live stream. Over 11,000 questions have been submitted over the last 5 years.

Video answers are archived on Advanced Medicine.com

As Mercury Rises

Silenced, As Mercury Rises, is an international award-winning health documentary which has won an unprecedented number of awards in international film festivals, as long as having won a “Humanitarian Award”. Watch this documentary and discover the hidden truth!

Dr Buttar TV

DrButtar.TV is a central place where more and more of Dr. Buttar’s videos will be added to provide a central place to archive educational video content. All weekly live-streams and some public webinars will also be made available here for people to view.

Facts On Toxicity

The 7 Toxicities is the basic philosophy Dr Buttar has used for over a quarter of a century to address the needs of some of the sickest people on the planet to help them fully recover. These videos will educate you on the actual cause of disease and how to begin your journey to recovery.


VanVCD stands for Vaccinated and not Vaccinated Children’s Data. Please take the 2 minutes to answer these 11 questions. Then view the data based on the parents of these children, and YOU decide if vaccines are safe and effective, or deadly and disease causing.!

Dr Buttar Truth

With rampant “fake news”, idiotic “fact-checkers” and massive censorship, the public can’t rely on Wikepedia or the internet for truth. DrButtarTruth documents the attempted character assassination and false cases filed by the medical boards and how Dr B fought back and won!


Welcome to DrButtar.com

Most intelligent people know that everything is not as it appears! Truth will never be suppressed and as the light begins to illuminate the truth, the world will see the facts as they truly are, regardless of the deceptions being espoused by the world’s governments and the mainstream media. Now, more than ever before, knowing the truth determines if you live or die! As a result, this particular time in human history becomes an incredibly important and exciting time to be alive.

Who Is Dr Buttar?

“Dr. Rashid A. Buttar became an Eagle Scout at the age of 14, becoming the youngest person in the US to get his Eagle in 1980. He then graduated from high school at age 17 and received his undergraduate degree from Washington University in St. Louis. While at Washington University, Dr. Buttar was on a full academic ROTC scholarship and played football as linebacker and defensive-end for the WashU Bears.

After graduating with a double major in Biology and Theology at age 21, Dr. Buttar attended medical school at the University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences, College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery in Des Moines, Iowa, graduating with his medical degree at the age of 25.

Dr. Buttar did a rotational internship with an emphasis in General Surgery in Houston, Texas and then later trained in General Surgery at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas. While serving in the US Army, Dr. Buttar also served as Brigade Surgeon for 2nd Infantry Division stationed in the Republic of South Korea, and later as Chief of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Moncrief Army Community Hospital at Ft. Jackson in Columbia, South Carolina while serving in the US Army.

Dr Buttar's Training!

Dr. Buttar made the list for promotion to Major in the US Army at the age of 28, becoming the youngest person to make the list for the rank of Major that year in the US Army just prior to finishing his service in the Armed Forces. During his military career, Dr. Buttar had the privilege of serving with and/or being attached to the 2nd Infantry Division, the 101stAir Assault Division and the 5th Special Forces Group.

Dr. Buttar is board certified and a Diplomate in Clinical Metal Toxicology and Preventive Medicine, is board eligible in Emergency Medicine and has achieved fellowship status in three separate medical organizations (Fellow of the American College for Advancement in Medicine, Fellow of the American Academy of Preventive Medicine, and Fellow of the American Association of Integrative Medicine).

Dr. Buttar now serves as the Medical Director for the Centers for Advanced Medicine. The Centers are located in NC and CA, specializing in the treatment and needs of patients refractory to conventional treatments who have failed the standard approach to their disease process. With a special emphasis on the inter-relationship between environmental toxicity and the insidious disease processes and the “dis-regulation” of the immune system, Dr. Buttar and the Centers have attracted patients from over 90 different countries suffering from autism, cancer, heart disease, stroke and many other conditions too numerous to list.

First 20 Yrs Of Profession!

Dr. Buttar previously served as Director of Clinical Research and Development for V-SAB Medical Laboratories where he was extensively involved in research with polypeptide and peptide analog sequencing and identification technologies as well as innovative methodologies for drug delivery mechanisms. In addition, Dr. Buttar was heavily involved in clinical outcome-based research and response based studies with various groups including personal interest, private BioTech companies, university-based projects, and government-sponsored clinical research.

Dr. Buttar has lectured worldwide on these subjects at scientific congresses and professional symposiums and has been frequently invited to present at medical conferences. He has appeared and been featured in local, national and international media including newspapers, radio, and TV. He has been interviewed by or written about in numerous news journals including the Wall Street Journal, US News and World Report, TIME Magazine, Boston Globe and the New York Times.

Dr. Buttar has been invited to and testified in front of the North Carolina Legislature as well as the United States Congress, giving special testimony before the Congressional Sub-committee on Human Rights and Wellness.

Dr Buttar's Leadership Role!

Dr. Buttar served as Educational Chair for the American Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology (ABCMT) for 3 years and was in charge of the national training program that leads to Board Certification in Clinical Metal Toxicology. He was then elected to the position of Vice Chairman and eventually was elected as Chairman of the ABCMT and served in those capacities for over 8 years. Dr. Buttar was also a member of the 12 member National Metals Task Force, appointed to address the endemic nature of metal toxicity and the resulting implications on world health during the administration of President George W. Bush.

Dr. Buttar also served as President of the North Carolina Integrative Medical Society for 6 years and also headed up 2 other medical societies in the past as President including the Advanced Medical Education and Services Physician Association and Center for Advanced Medicine Physician Associates. He has served on numerous boards as well as CME committees for a number of medical organizations and societies including the American Association for Health Freedom, Age Management Medical Group, International College of Integrative Medicine and American College for Advancement in Medicine.

Phillips Publishing, Health Directions Inc., and Stephen Sinatra, MD have either listed or cited Dr. Buttar as being among the “Top 50 Doctors in the United States”.

Dr Buttar's Accomplishments

Dr. Buttar also served in the past as Visiting Scientist as well as Nutritional Scientist at North Carolina State University and actively taught for well over 20 years as faculty for mainstream medical courses such as Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) courses for physicians through the American College of Surgeons as well as the Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) courses for physicians, nurses and emergency response personnel. In addition, Dr. Buttar served as faculty for the Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) courses for over 15 years.

Dr. Buttar’s first book, “The 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away” released in 2010 became a Wall Street Journal, USA Today and Amazon.com best seller and has since, become an international best seller, now translated into multiple languages. In 2019, Dr. Buttar initiated the Advanced Medicine Conference to allow physicians, researchers and scientists on the cutting edge of medicine to have a platform from which they could introduce their findings to the world. In 2023, the 5th Annual Advanced Medicine Conference will be held.

To access more information and learn more about the principals and philosophy of Dr. Buttar, or to be notified when Dr. Buttar releases new videos or books, or to simply stay in touch with Dr. Buttar, we invite you to JOIN NOW to begin receiving information pertinent to you.

Over 400 broadcasts with Dr. Rashid A. Buttar and Robert Scott Bell along with the audio from Dr. Buttars Advanced Medicine Facebook Live are available in iTunes, Stitcher and the Advanced Medicine Podcast.

Dr. Buttar’s mission on an organizational level defining his professional goals has been to create and provide medical advances and therapies which impact lives for the better.

Making The CHANGE The WORLD is Waiting For...



Medical Rewind with Dr. Rashid A. Buttar

Every Monday Dr. Rashid A. Buttar empowers his listeners with healing principals that can aid in physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, economic and yes even political healing! You’ll be amazed by the amount of information about healing that is kept secret from you and what you can do to learn more about it!

Medical Rewind is a “one stop” depository of truth, information, and the opportunity to be a part of “….making the change the world is waiting for”.


“The life you may be saving by adopting these principles might just be your own.”

“As a patient of Dr. Buttar for more than 20 years, I know firsthand the life-changing impact of his work, and I’m proud to call myself one of his many successes. Over the years, he has become so much more than just a doctor; he is a good friend and a trusted advisor, but most importantly, he is someone I have bestowed with the highest possible honor I could give – intrusting him with the care of my family. For the first time ever, Dr. Buttar is sharing his breakthrough findings through 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away. This is a truly priceless opportunity – a glimpse inside the genius mind of Dr. Buttar. If you care at all about yourself, your family and your future, make this book, and the concepts included in it, a part of your daily routine. Can’t we all agree that the health and well-being of ourselves and our families should be at the very top of our priorities? Don’t wait for a health crisis in your own life to start preparing. Allow yourself to challenge traditional medical thinking and most importantly, make the most of this precious gift. After all, the life you may be saving by adopting these principles might just be your own.”

—Greg Provenzano, President and Co-Founder of ACN Inc., the World’s Largest Direct Selling Telecommunications Company providing services in 21 different countries.


“I would not be living today if I had not found Dr. Buttar.”

“Anyone who has any concerns about their health needs to read this book. It tells the truth in plain language so you and I can understand it, and does so candidly, without any concern or influence of fear of the FDA, mainstream medicine and big drug companies. I became a patient of Dr. Buttar in March of 2003 after having 4 heart catherizations (which didn’t help) for blocked arteries that were causing chest pains and shortness of breath. I was 70 years old at the time. After tests, Dr. Buttar started me on a specific chelation program, changed my diet, and set me up on an exercise program. It didn’t take long for my strength to start coming back and the angina and shortness of breath became a memory of the past. I resumed a work schedule tailored to my own desires and meeting my needs. As I write this I am approaching my 85th birthday, and play golf 3-5 times per week. I take no medications at all anymore and firmly believe I would not be living today if I had not found Dr. Buttar and started on his very sensible program. You can be helped too by reading this book and applying the principles outlined. Thank God for Dr. Buttar’s research, beliefs, talents, and dedication to help others.”

—- Ned Jarrett, 2 time NASCAR National Champion, inducted into 15 Halls of Fame and the only person in history to retire from NASCAR while still a National Champion.



If you want to join the TAP™ into Reality Mindset Program and help to “make the CHANGE the WORLD is waiting for”, you’ll have a chance to do so beginning Dec 26, 2022 until January 11, 2023. If you want to control the outcome of the reality that YOU are in the process of creating and join 1507 incredible individuals (and their families) in the quest of achieving the most successful mindset possible, then click below to gain immediate access to the original TAP™ Webinar and to be notified about updates to TAP™ and when it will open again.


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